Friday, May 31, 2019

better wet or dry?

Lara Spencer

5 years after taking the Ice Bucket challenge -
Lara wears the same outfit on Good Morning America



1 comment:

  1. have a good memory and very observant. I had not see the "after" interview, cool that she hung around to do the interview in a wet dress, because in most cases when an actress gets wet she immediately exits the stage (e.g the famous Brett Butler scene on Letterman). At least Lara Spencer seems to own her own wardrobe. In the old days the studios owned all the costumes and so they re-used the exact same costume with other actresses in other films. E.G. the pool dunking wet scene Irene Dunne did in "My Favorite Wife" in 1940 ... that exact same dress showed up in 3-4 other movies in dry scenes, being worn by other actresses. My fav Lara Spencer wet scene was when she appeared on the tabloid show "The Insider" in 2009 and she performed in the "Le Reve" aquatic show in Las Vegas.
